Monday, November 16, 2015

SNAP Math Fair field trip this Wednesday Nov. 18, 1:00- 2:30 at the Museum of Anthropology!

I am very pleased and excited that we will be able to participate in the SNAP Math Fair organized by Chris Stroud and his colleagues at West Point Grey Academy this Wednesday afternoon at the Museum of Anthropology on the UBC campus.

Chris will be here for a short presentation in class today. Chris also did his Masters degree at UBC on the topic of SNAP Math Fairs.

SNAP stands for Student-centred, Non-competitive, All-inclusive and Problem-based. Here is a link to the SNAP Math Fair site. I think you'll find that Chris and his colleagues are taking this idea to many new and exciting places too -- for example, to collaborations with the Museum of Anthropology, the Space Centre, the Aquarium and Science World!

Here is a link to the Math Fair Booklet that Chris uses to plan his math fairs. It has lots of good, open-ended problems that are worth kids spending some time on!

On Wednesday Nov. 18 at 1:00 PM sharp, we will meet in the main lobby of the Museum of Anthropology (corner of West Mall and NW Marine Drive, about 5 blocks NW of the Scarfe Building). Our class that day will be held at the SNAP Math Fair there.

Your homework assignment is to read pp. 1 - 18 of The Math Fair Booklet (linked above) and to write a response to the following question:

Could you, and would you, run a SNAP Math Fair in your practicum high school? Why/ Why not? If you can imagine doing so, how would you adapt the Math Fair to your school and classes, and why?


1 comment:

  1. Hi susan, is the BCAMT new teacher conference cancelled?
    Here is the link:
